Are you looking for Bone Grafting in San Jose, CA? Dr Rana Baroudi provides high quality dental care for her patients in San Jose, CA
Bone grafting is a restorative procedure that helps patients in a variety of ways. When it comes to oral health, it is often used for bridges, dental implants, and more. There are a few factors that may determine how successful the restoration is. These include the depth, height, and width of the jawbone at the implant site. If the jawbone has sustained significant damage or receded, the implant or implants cannot be properly supported. For these situations, a bone graft may be recommended.
Some of the major factors that affect jawbone volume include:
While a bone grafting procedure is not guaranteed to be successful, it is highly successful in most cases. It is also a great alternative to having diseased teeth, missing teeth, or tooth deformities. Bone grafting can increase the width or height of the jawbone and fill defects and voids in the bone.
The two basic ways in which bone grafting can positively impact the stability and health of teeth include:
Jaw Stabilization –A bone grafting procedure stabilizes and helps to restore the jawbone for implant and restorative surgeries. Restructuring of the jawbone can help provide added support and correct deformities.
Preservation – Bone grafting is helpful for preventing bone recession following an extraction procedure, periodontal disease, or other invasive processes.
Your dentist will first perform an oral examination of the area in which the bone grafting is planned to take place. During this examination, your dentist will check the condition of your gums and teeth. If you have periodontal disease or your surrounding teeth are in poor condition, your dentist will address these issues before moving on to the bone grafting procedure. Once they are addressed, your dentist can begin.
Dr. Rana Baroudi will perform panoramic x-rays to assess the precise width and depth of the existing bone. A CAT scan may be recommended to better determine the condition of the bone. Your dentist may also anesthetize the area and check the gums to determine how much and what kind of bone is required.
Your dentist will first determine what form of bone grafting procedure is right for you. Common procedures include:
The bone grafting procedure will take some time and can often take a few months to complete. First, the bone is harvested (if you are undergoing an autogenous bone graft). Otherwise, it is obtained from a “bone bank.” It is then placed on the affected site. Over time, the new bone tissue will fuse with the existing bone, and the cells will migrate. This causes cell growth and firm adhesion. Supplementing the jaw with this additional bone will increase bone mass and help support implants.
During the surgical procedure, Dr. Rana Baroudi will numb the extraction and grafting sites using local anesthetic. From there, a small incision is made to prepare the site for the new bone. The new bone will then be anchored in place. A synthetic membrane may be used to cover the new bone. This prevents bacterial and soft tissue invasions and helps to encourage bone growth.
An overnight stay will not be required after the procedure. You’ll receive comprehensive instructions from your dentist for aftercare. Make sure you adhere to these instructions. Dr. Baroudi may also prescribe medication to help with discomfort, swelling, and managing infections. Take the medication as prescribed.
Within a few months, the entire procedure will be completed!
If you have a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth, it’s extremely important to have them replaced. Your dentist may recommend a few options, with dental implants being one of them. In order to have implants placed, though, you need a strong enough jawbone to keep the implants in place. If your dentist takes a look and determined your jawbone isn’t strong enough to handle the procedure, they will either recommend another replacement option or bone grafting.
Bone grafting will provide you with enough bone density to install implants into your jawbone. These implants are used to hold your new teeth in place.
It’s important to note that not all bone grafting procedures are successful. While there is a very high success rate, if the procedure doesn’t go as expected, dental implants will not be an option. From there, your dentist will discuss other replacements like dentures or dental bridges.
You may be wondering why it’s worth the effort of going through a bone grafting procedure for your dental implants. There are a few reasons:
If you would like to learn more about bone grafting and dental implants, contact us today. We’d be happy to answer any questions and book an appointment.