Pocket Reduction Surgery in San Jose, CA

Are you looking for Pocket Reduction Surgery in San Jose, CA? Dr Rana Baroudi provides high quality dental care for her patients in San Jose, CA

Periodontal Pockets Lead to Gum and Bone Destruction

A breakdown of your gum and bones caused by bacteria can lead to pockets, or gaps, between your teeth and gum. If not treated, this condition can lead to gum and bone destruction. Typically this breakdown occurs after a few things happen:

  • Bacteria (that causes periodontal disease) releases toxic substances, triggering the breakdown of gum and bone.
  • The gum separates from the teeth, forming gaps, called periodontal pockets.
  • Bacteria settles in the pockets because they can’t be removed by regular oral hygiene. The bacteria continue to accumulate and reproduce.
  • Without treatment, bacteria continues to propagate, resulting in further gum and bone destruction.

Pocket Reduction Surgery

Pocket depth reduction is done in our office with local anesthesia. After lifting the gum back, the bacterial plaque and tartar are removed from the root surfaces. Infected bone and gum tissue are removed and areas where bacteria can hide are cleaned and smoothed out. This allows gums to effectively reattach to healthy bone and eliminate gum pockets. Dissolvable stitches are placed to aid in healing. Follow-up appointments are scheduled as necessary to evaluate healing and plaque control.

Factors That Affect Jawbone Volume

Need Pocket Reduction Surgery in San Jose, CA?

Recovery Process

Post-surgical discomfort may last a few days and is usually minimal. It can be easily managed with commonly available over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Patients can expect to follow their normal routine the day after surgery. We will provide special instructions related to diet, exercise, and medications.

Some side effects that may occur after the surgery include:

Heightened tooth sensitivity. This is temporary and usually resolves within a few weeks. There are chemical aids available that help reduce sensitivity.

Loose teeth. This also is a transient finding that occurs as part of the normal healing process. With proper plaque control and bite adjustment, the teeth usually tighten up in a few weeks.

Spaces between teeth and longer teeth. Longer teeth are actually the result of periodontal disease, not of periodontal surgery. As periodontal disease infects and destroys the bone that encases the roots, the root surfaces become exposed. They do not appear exposed because they are covered by the inflamed, swollen gums that form the periodontal pocket. Without proper treatment, the periodontal pockets continue to deepen, giving way to more infection, bone loss, and eventually tooth loss and systemic complications.